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Our Wedding Day - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes

Kristine Gresham & Daniel Jenkins

Shhhh! Don
I could take him! No problem!

Our Story

Once upon a time..... NOT! Daniel works with my sister and when they meet she was set on introducing the two of us because she felt we were just a perfect match for one another! Who knew she would actually be right? She set up a date for her, her husband Kevin and I to meet up for dinner and a movie on Valentines Day (Feb 14, 2009). We watched a comedy about a mall cop and afterwards we all went to a Mexican Restaraunt. At the Restaruant she asked questions to ease the first date jitters and almost all his answers were the answers I would have given.

After Dinner we all went back to my place were Beans (Regina) and Donnie were staying with me and we all played board games all night. And we have pretty much been a close and connected as two peas on a pod ever since. I am the big kid that doesn't wanna grow up and to this day tickle me Elmo still makes me laugh. Dan loves Sci-Fi and games, But we both get one another and laugh, pray, believe and confess with one another and God takes center stage and we have just been following the yellow brick road home ever since. It really is your perfect fairy book story (just without the castle and all the money) ahh who we kidding its the Muphets and Star Treck story! LOL

I must say the funniest part is that on the way to our first date my sister and brother in law kept joking that we could pull off a December wedding the entire way there. And now look were we are two people whom God put in the right places at the right time and a big sister to lead the charge and connect the dots!

A Special Message From Us

With every passing day we pray together and talk and share our families and everytime a thought of fear or doubt would/does peer out another "item" or "reassurance" falls directly into place without resistance or effort and that moutain that stands before our feet is moved and we find our selfs continuing on down that yellow brick road to a life that is built on a firm and confident foundation of faith, unconditional love and friendship.

Our prayer for all of you that bless us with your involvement, your presence and/or your best wishes is that you find and are bestoyed the same blessings that have been bestoyed upon us that you find your bit of happiness in this caotic and unsure world we are surving in. We pray you remember to put your faith in God and be true to who you really are and live in your own "Bubble World" (lol) Because the grass in ours is awefully green! We don't have much but we are blessed with one another and with what we do have.

So we thank all of you and hope you can make it to see how the story continues...... To our parents and syblings/families we can not thank you enough for your support and encouragement. We love and charrish all you do and continue to do with and for us! We thank you and pray for your happiness and peace.